01 October 2006

Doctor Who

I've just had a somewhat self-indulgent Doctor Who frenzy, watching last year's series over a period of 24 hours. I'd forgotten how good some of them were.

The big finale of this year's season is on Thursday. I've missed a whole lot of the episodes, so will have to do something similar when the DVDs come out.


Lilly said...

Alan is always going on about this show -- I just cannot really understand his obsession and fascination since it's never been on Danish telly....

Lilly said...

...isn't that weird, how something which is such important part of your cultural life and childhood...and the person with whom you've shared your life for 7 years just do not have that same frame of reference?

Anyway I am thinking out loud here. Time for a coffee refill, for sure, and then it's back to work.

David Cauchi said...

Tsk, tsk, this is a major gap in your education Lily, which you must rectify. Surely there must be DVDs at your vid shops? I recommend Jon Pertwee or Tom Baker ones (but maybe I'm just showing my age).

Lilly said...

Those are the same ones that Alan recommends; funnily enough ;-)
We watched a small bit of a new episode as it was on when we went to Scotland in May -- Alan was not happy with the new young doctor.....

They did show older Doctor Who quite a few years ago on BBC Prime, but I never watched it at the time as I didn't really know what it was and hadn't heard about it back then. Oh well.

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