Spent the weekend catching up with people. After Matt and Victor had finished verbally dissecting my work on Saturday, Paul came round to drink beer in the sun and smoke a lot.
On Sunday, Sandra, Paul, and I went to see
Dutch Light at the doco film fest. I really enjoyed the film, despite some people in it saying some annoyingly stupid things. It was good to see an artistic subject being treated seriously. I won't be going to anything else at the fest but.
We hooked up with Stephen afterwards. He should've come to the film with us, and would've too if I'd knocked on his door when I was standing right outside it. But I'm stupid, so I didn't, so he missed it. We drank beer in a couple of different dives around town before heading back to Paul's (and hopefully soon to be my) studio to make plans for laying out the space to maximise usable wall area, usable bench area, and viewing distances. Sweet mate. I can feel it in my bones. It's going to be good.
Of course yesterday was the first day of daylight saving, so getting up this morning was grim, especially as it was raining to boot.
Quote of the day:
Painting, n.: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather, and exposing them to the critic. - Ambrose Bierce