Three of us won prizes: Dan (NB: updated link) for craftiest move (wearing his underpants as shorts - he was taking the photos so there's no pic of him more's the pity), me for best running shout (my sneaky but surprisingly effective tactic of charging opposing players who had the ball with a wild yell and vaguely threatening gestures) and smoking on the pitch, and Stephen for worst injury:

The final was a doozy, with halftime entertainment from the Real Hot Bitches:

A good time was had by all.
Hehehe -- smoking on the pitch :-D Way to go, David! No wonder you won a prize for that -- congratz, mate.
'Soccer' you call it -- I thought it was only in the States, that they used that term to signify what's known as football where I'm from......do you guys have an equivalent of American football down there?
I wouldn't call rugby (heard of the All Blacks? their haka?) an equivalent of that weird game the yanks put on armour to play, but people are pretty nuts about it round here. I've had to go out of my way to've never played a rugby game in my life.
Oi! Why wasn't I told about this? I would have given anything to see you lot run around in your shorts. Added to which I am a clinical striker to boot. In the words of the great Diago Maradona "I vaccinate you, arrrrrgghh, GOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL!"
I believe there was meant to be a Massey team (and City Gallery and Te Papa teams) but they welched. I was expecting you there (we played against Faris first game, which only added to the fun).
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