01 December 2005

Dreadful news

Daniel Johnston's been hospitalised for what appears to be poisoning from the medicine that's allowed him to be so productive recently.

(Pic nicked from here.)


paintergirl said...

Of course I had to email the article link to my husband right away. Big Johnston fan as well as Jad, and crazy ole Roky Erickson.

David Cauchi said...

As soon as I showed her this, Rose said, 'They're our parallel couple in New York.'

Lilly said...

'Parallel couple' -- this sounds almost like the DC universe with all its parallel worlds....

David Cauchi said...

I've got a plan for an alternative world science fiction time travel novel where the mythical southern continent actually exists.

On a related note, I'd like to meet some of my alternate selves. Be interesting to compare notes (though it'd probably all end in fisticuffs).

Lilly said...

Good stuff, David :-) You are serious, right? About planning to write a novel, I mean...

I agree -- it would be mighty interesting to bump into an alternative self. Imagine that...

David Cauchi said...

Meeting a range of them would be the go I reckon. There's lots of different ways we could've each turned out - sum of our experiences and all that.

You mean the great NZ sf novel I've been planning since I was 12 (which, incidentally, was when I discovered 'Flow my tears, the policeman said' by Philip K Dick on my mother's bookshelf - and the inherent possibilities of the form (especially expressed in this case by a fascist US police state, incest, and a digressionary mescaline trip) completely blew my mind)? The plot details and characters have got a lot more specific and refined recently, but I decided against being a writer cos it was going nowhere but I had all these ideas about what paintings should be but couldn't find any anywhere. Anyway, unless you do it for a job, writing books is an old person's business. I've been seriously toying with the idea of starting actually writing it though - but I've got a fair whack on my plate as it is what with the job and the painting and all.

paintergirl said...

I'm all about the time travel David-did you know that is why I looked at your blog in the first place. Very interesting!

I told my husband this too, and he thought it was true as well, and maybe a little scary. Same couple different places, oppsite sides of the planet.

David Cauchi said...

No, I didn't know that, though I did spot it on your profile and thought ha ha. Funny, eh? Uncanny even.

I might try to work up an outline of the current plan and stick it up sometime (though painting commitments take priority of course). It has a slightly alternate version of me as the main character (yeah, yeah, shameless, but there's a detective novel precedent).

Have you seen the new Doctor Who? You would've seen the classic old stuff, eh? Particularly the Tom Baker ones?

paintergirl said...

Oh yeah-I always thought it was something I shouldn't have been watching, but I was so intrigued, and somehow all wrapped up in that wooly scarf. Who knew...?

David Cauchi said...

Why shouldn't you've been watching?

Doctor Who's great. I even liked the new ones, especially the existentialist Dalek.

s. said...

Ummm.. somewhat latterly.. David, remind me to lend you a copy of the Teenage Fanclub / Jad Fair album sometime..... beauuuwtiful.

David Cauchi said...

'Words of wisdom and hope'? Got my own copy. It's not too shabby at all, is it?

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