19 November 2006

Some more blither

I bought a couple of books recently. One was Dada: monograph of a movement, which has lots of good pictures and some good essays in it. My favourite essay was one by Richard Huelsenbeck on 'Dada and existentialism'. The other was The Dada reader: a critical anthology, which is an anthology of texts from the various Dada magazines translated into English. It is an excellent read and a wonderful resource.

I've prepared a couple more canvases. One I had to rescue from where I'd left it in a friend's studio in Lyall Bay. The other's still drying.

I got pictures back from the framers last week. They look really good. I only got two framed and will pin the rest to the wall. Getting them back means I'm all ready for the show. All I have to do now is get my website ready to be updated when it opens.

And, finally, check out the Artbasher's blog for some good links.

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