23 February 2006


By rights I probably should be hungover today, but instead I seem to have done something to my throat. There's just one spot that feels as if it's being burnt through by acid. It's not as bad as it was, but it's still bloody sore, not to mention being bloody annoying.

Oh well, at least I've been able to distract myself by checking out a blog on classic NZ music. Bored Games' 'Joe 90' is one of the most brilliant songs ever, and it's been ages since I heard it last. There's a stupidly large number of other doozies there as well.


Mr Stephen Rowe said...

Fantastic hearing that again, vinyl copies go for small fortunes.

Are you sure that puffin' on the pipe not giving you "the throat"?

David Cauchi said...

Yep, cos I haven't been, goddamnit.

s. said...

How much? (since I've got it and would consider selling for the right price).

Lilly said...

Hey David, how long has it felt like that? Your throat, I mean....

Mr Stephen Rowe said...

I saw a copy of "Who Killed Colonel Mustard" on the net recently going for 93290.10 Venezuelan Bolivars.

David Cauchi said...

It's been a couple of days. I think it might well have been caused by inept swallowing of my nutter pill.

paintergirl said...

Lilly is sounding like me. How long have you been feeling that way-Rose put some aloe on that. She has all the anwers before me.

Lilly said...

Is it a constant pain -- like even when you swallow/eat/drink something? Get it checked if it's not gone by Monday!

LOL @ PainterGirl. I cannae help it -- I worry so much; especially about others' well-being. Plus I am a huge advocate of aloe vera. Always have been. My biggest aloe vera plant is called Ray [I like to name my plants].

paintergirl said...

David you should get it looked at, I agree with Lilly.
You name your plants Lilly...I love it. That is so sweet and dear, and it says alot about you. And your Ray is such a healer.

Speaking of Ray, have you ever heard "the Ray" perform? I am truly tempted to find a baby sitter to go see him next month.

Lilly said...

Cheers, sweet PainterGirl. Yep, they've all got names -- I guess that is one of the reasons why Alan often refers to me as a 'tree hugger' ;-)

The Ray?? No idea who that is -- please elaborate.

My aloe vera Ray is named after my favourite author, Raymond Federman...

Hey David, how's your throat today -- feeling better?

paintergirl said...

Sorry Lilly-Ray Davies. Sometimes I get to cryptic and don't mean to.

Lilly said...

OH MY GOD!!! THAT RAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go see him yes yes yes!! I saw him in Glasgow in....err....let me rewind: 2000 or 2001 when I lived in Scotland. AMAZING SHOW! Him on his own talking and doing acoustic stuff. Wow like! :-D

Hope you get a babysitter and tickets for the show. I really do! :-D

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